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about Javi Benitez

The Javi Benitez Narrative

It was “Suddenly, Albee …” in 2010, eleven years ago when Alfredo Abelardo Bantug Benitez joined politics in Negros Occidental and somehow, shook and stirred and changed the political landscape that was long dominated by traditional politicians.

The game-changer that was Cong. Albee, brought a new mind-set, a new way of doing things, always thinking outside the box to find new ways to solve old problems, unified leaders from various political fronts and started the Asenso movement in the Third District and even beyond.

Victorias City Mayor Javi Benitez

Ang kwarta sang Victorias, para gid sa mga Victoriahanons

It is time for Javi and Asenso Victoriahanon.

“It is time to let our lights shine.

It is time to be who we want to be…

and fight for the future we deserve. It is time to build together the community…

the city we want to have.”

It is most laudable to note that Cong. Albee has brought back or revived what the benchmark of governance and public service should really be all about – honesty, sincerity and integrity, transparent, inclusive, and most of all, free from corruption.

And the Third District, now popularly known as Metro 3rd has become a booming and bustling gateway to exciting developments and opportunities that cities and municipalities have to offer.

Indeed, Cong. Albee is a tough act to follow.

More so, because it is the next generation Benitez that has now returned to the hometown of his father, with the serious intent of serving and “paying back” to the people who have supported his father and the family all these years.

Today it is Javi in the sweet city of Victorias, poised to lead the Asenso Victoriahanon towards the next step of growth and development to the more than 87,000 constituents.

Javier Miguel “Javi” Lopez Benitez turned 27, seven days after he filed his candidacy to become the next mayor of Victorias City.

While all of the members of his local party, Asenso Victoriahanon, filed under the banner of PDP-Laban of which Albee Benitez is the provincial chairman, the young scion, chose to run as an independent.

Victorias City Mayor Javi benitez Asenso Victoriahanon
Javi Benitez Independence Day 2021

While young and inexperienced in politics, Javi faces the challenge of leadership and governance, with openness and readiness.

He graduated from the First International Baccalaureate Program class of Xavier School in San Juan, Metro Manila in the top ten per cent of the class. His course in Sta. Clara University in Silicone Valley, Sta. Clara in California, USA is Bachelor of Science in Political Science.

Literally born with a silver spoon and grew up in a comfortable home, Javi need not join any workplace. Yet, he looks back at invaluable learning and exposure in several private companies, among them, PLDT, Paypal, LR Data and the San Francisco Consulate in San Francisco, USA.

He enjoyed a stint in local showbiz as a Star Magic artist doing teleseryes (The General’s Daughter, Walang Hanggang Paalam, and a film (Kid Alpha One).

Both the Bantug and Benitez families are advocates of education and public service, and Javi continue to pursue today a Master’s degree in Public Administration at the University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos.

Let's Unite for Better Victorias - Javi

The strong and deep commitment to the legacy of education and service stems from family elders, among them, Dean Conrado Benitez and Francisco Tirona Benitez, founders of the Philippine Women’s University. Dean Benitez was among the framers of the 1936 Philippine Constitution.

Senator Helena Benitez was founder of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines and co-founder of PWU and the Philippine Bayanihan Dance Company.

Dr. Jose Conrado Benitez was former PWU president, former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Human Settlements and a 1997 Ten Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) Awardee for Public Administration.

Javi is the great grandson of Remedios Palanca Bantug, former mayor of Victorias City.

Contrary to the rumor mill, the candidacy for the mayorship of Victorias City was never presented to him on a silver platter. For the first time, the party leaders participated in a democratic process of choosing the standard bearer, the vice-mayor and the ten candidates for Councilor. In the spirit of unity that is the hallmark of the Asenso movement , strengthened by the common desire to serve, the consensus that shaped the party slate has become a relevant milestone in the local political history of Victorias.

Javi could have chosen to run for the Third District Congressional seat, a post his father held for three terms and now occupied by his uncle, Dr. Jose Francisco “Kiko” B. Benitez. It was a personal decision to choose to serve the home of his family, the city and the people he has grown to love.

Javi Benitez and uncle Cong. Doc Kiko Benitez
Javi Benitez and uncle Dr. Jose Francisco “Kiko” B. Benitez

Drawn to the local political environment, Javi was exposed to juicy election issues that were rife in the puroks and barangays, as early as the first quarter of 2021. But dynamic and independent-minded that he is, Javi confidently faces these issues during community visits and leaders meetings.

It is always best to get as much information as I can. I verify and cross-verify to assess the situation, try to take away emotions, and then I find the best way to deal with it logically. In the process, I am able to determine which suggestions or criticisms are constructive versus the destructive, or valid versus the invalid. Then I deal with it quickly and move on to other important matters.

The stage is set for a new journey, the next challenge in Javi’s life. The battle for mayorship of Victorias is probably among the most eagerly awaited by political observers in the province.

What are the issues the young candidate is up against?

Pangayaw challenging a tumandok. Young and inexperienced versus a traditional player who sits as an incumbent. A vision of change and hope pitted against a claim for “consistent service over the years” but with no substantial quality track record to show. There comes a time when people get tired or fed up with promises and promises of politicians and look forward to action, real action on community problems.

Confident and without fear, Javi declares “Ang kwarta sang Victorias, para gid sa mga Victoriahanons” A strong statement that has always elicited loud applause, signifying affirmation in all the community assemblies he has attended.

Early on, the young Benitez saw the rigorous routines and tasks of a public official, as he joined his father, Cong Albee during sorties, community dialogues and important programs both at the House of Representatives, at the District Office and down at the grassroots level where interaction can be intense, yet inspiring.

“If given the chance to be the Mayor of Victorias , I hope that the city will become a much better place than how it was when I started.”

“Our vision for Victorias is anchored on governance and service that is CLEAN, EFFICIENT and INCLUSIVE.”

Javi stresses that all the candidates of ASENSO VICTORIAHANON are servant – leaders, committed to transparency, focus and action. Each one, he says, shall be responsible for a key development area – one that is relevant to the needs of the constituents.

Our thrusts under the banner of ASENSO will step up delivery of basic services, prioritize more access to medical services, health care and education; address pressing concerns of informal settlers; mitigation of environmental threats especially flooding; strengthen safety and security measures, fast track delivery of more basic services by enhancing mechanisms for institutionalizing programs.”

He also added that the opportunities for digitalization and other technological advancement loom big for Victorias, and that this is an area that has to be seriously managed as it also presents threats and disruptions as economy and population grows.

Asenso Victoriahanon – Paglaum sang Buasdamlag! (Asenso Victoriahanon – Hope of the Future!)

A battlecry that reverberates among the Asenso leaders. An expression that captures as well, the Victoriahanons longing for change and a new horizon, as the city experienced the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic that affected everyone’s lives for almost two years.

The day of reckoning comes in six months from today. But the stirrings and excitement for May 2022 has already begun in Victorias City.

Standard bearer Javi Benitez of Asenso Victoriahanon rallies all to come out and be heard in this local election.

It is time to let our lights shine. It is time to be who we want to be . . . .
and fight for the future we deserve. It is time to build together the community . . .
the city we want to have

It is time for another new beginning, as a new game-changer has come back home and take his place among his beloved Victoriahanons.

It is time for Javi and Asenso Victoriahanon.


Sweet Memories

@ Victorias City, Negros Occidental, Philippines